Carbon Challenge 2023 - update
We are pleased to announce that in May 2022 Suez Communities Trust agreed to part fund Phase 1 of the Pavilion refurbishment project with a maximum grant of £50,000. Phase 1 work commenced on 6 June 2022 with both the internal and external works being complete by September 2022. Phase 2 is a current work in progress.
Future proofing the Irene Usher Memorial Pavilion
Carbon Challenge 2023
Saturday 12th of May 1973 was a great day in Seend. It was the day the then children of Seend, and Mrs Diana Fraser, formally opened the Irene Usher Memorial Pavilion. The Pavilion was provided for our community by the people who lived here. Yes, Seend people raised the funds to do it for themselves. Few living here now will remember the determined fundraising through any means possible, including the renowned Traction Engine Rallies. As the massive fundraising effort looked as though it would easily reach its target, work was commenced before all the necessary funds were banked. For the final few thousand pounds all the Lye Field charitable trust had to bank was promises. Those promises were kept and the Pavilion was completed and named in honour of just one of the many contributors, the much loved Irene Usher, who did not live to see her Pavilion. So, the Irene Usher Memorial Pavilion was built on land already held in trust for Seend people since 1969. |
The Pavilion did not have the sports team changing room facilities that it has today; those were added in the 1980s - again through local fundraising by local people. Our Pavilion was designed and built in a time of cheap energy. Little thought was given to insulation and over the years the cost of energy has just been absorbed and met through the perpetual annual fundraising cycles. The Pavilion was designed for a time when there were many parish societies and clubs. After all, we had long sunny summers and only 3 TV channels on the box. In 2021, the Lye Field facility, a much loved community asset, supports 16 user organisations across our parish and our county.
We now have to ask ourselves, is the building still fit for its purpose? We consulted on this question with the architects of our community-led passive house project. Their advice was to demolish the Pavilion and provide a new passive (low energy) building. Apart from the obvious VAT costs, the advantages of this option are that the design would meet current user needs. The tack shed and the tennis cabin could be removed through an integrated design that would provide sports changing facilities including for the tennis courts etc. There would be improved car parking with provision for electric vehicle charging. Such an enterprise would cost well in excess of £1m. It is hardly surprising that we have decided to explore the benefits of retrofitting the existing Pavilion building with more energy efficient systems after we have done all we reasonably can to insulate it.
So, we now all face a different challenge for our Pavilion, just as we also do in our homes. How to future proof a much used, ageing, energy intense building to make it fit for the next 50 years against the ravages of time and the rising costs of energy - all without contributing further to climate change? As it happens carbon emission and energy consumption/cost reduction are completely compatible aims. All it takes is good community support, iron will, good project management and just short of £100,000 of funding. This is the Seend Lye Field Carbon Challenge 2023!
We now have to ask ourselves, is the building still fit for its purpose? We consulted on this question with the architects of our community-led passive house project. Their advice was to demolish the Pavilion and provide a new passive (low energy) building. Apart from the obvious VAT costs, the advantages of this option are that the design would meet current user needs. The tack shed and the tennis cabin could be removed through an integrated design that would provide sports changing facilities including for the tennis courts etc. There would be improved car parking with provision for electric vehicle charging. Such an enterprise would cost well in excess of £1m. It is hardly surprising that we have decided to explore the benefits of retrofitting the existing Pavilion building with more energy efficient systems after we have done all we reasonably can to insulate it.
So, we now all face a different challenge for our Pavilion, just as we also do in our homes. How to future proof a much used, ageing, energy intense building to make it fit for the next 50 years against the ravages of time and the rising costs of energy - all without contributing further to climate change? As it happens carbon emission and energy consumption/cost reduction are completely compatible aims. All it takes is good community support, iron will, good project management and just short of £100,000 of funding. This is the Seend Lye Field Carbon Challenge 2023!
How you can help with the Seend Lye Recreation Field Carbon Challenge 2023
12th of May 2023 is the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Irene Usher Memorial Pavilion. We aim to have the retrofit of the Pavilion complete by then.
The only way we can achieve this is through fundraising. If you are able to lend a hand with fundraising we should be able to can achieve this community goal together. If you want to discuss how you can help please contact us.
12th of May 2023 is the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Irene Usher Memorial Pavilion. We aim to have the retrofit of the Pavilion complete by then.
The only way we can achieve this is through fundraising. If you are able to lend a hand with fundraising we should be able to can achieve this community goal together. If you want to discuss how you can help please contact us.