TrusteesAll of the facilities and buildings of the Seend Lye Recreation Field are held in trust by a small number of trustees who have long residency in the Parish of Seend. Trustees oversee the running of the charitable organisation in accordance with the governing constitution. Their duty is to preserve the charity's physical and financial assets in good order for the future enjoyment of Seend generations. One Trustee, Brian Hunt, fills the role as safeguarding lead - Safeguarding Policy
Seend Lye Field Trustees cannot operate the charity effectively without the help of a Management Committee of volunteers. The Committee of 12 to 15 people assist the Trustees through various volunteer roles. Many committee members are drawn from Lye Field facility users. |
ChairThe role of the Chairman is to oversee the voluntary operation of the charity's facilities and to head the management committee. The Chair does not need to be a Trustee.
TreasurerThe role of the Treasurer is to manage the Charity's day-today finances, including financial investments in consultation with the Trustees and Chair. The treasurer provides advice to the Management Committee.
Ric Ellinger is the current Treasurer |
SecretaryThe role of the secretary is to manage the day-to-day administrative aspects of the organisation. This includes minute taking at meetings. Oversight of the organisational statutory, legal and insurance requirements acting as an administrative point of contact for the charity.
Chris Savage is the current Hon Secretary |
Bookings SecretaryThe role of the Bookings Secretary is to operate and administer the online booking system, reconcile payments, handle small amounts of cash, deal with booking system enquiries and emails, liaise with customers regarding venue requirements. Jo Vaux is the current Bookings Secretary |
House MemberThe role of the House Member is to care for the buildings, building systems and facilities to ensure they remain clean, safe and in good repair. The House Member will liaise closely with the Field Member to achieve good standards of repair and maintenance for the whole of the Lye Field Estate.
Field MemberThe role of the Field Member encompasses all aspects of grounds care and maintenance, from play area to sports pitch, Millennium Garden and trees. The field member needs to work closely with both the Bookings Secretary and the House Member.
THIS ROLE IS AVAILABLE NOW We have a grass mowing team who are trained to operate mowing machinery - new team members always very welcome. |
100+ Club MemberThe role of the 100+ Club Member is to administer and operate the 100+ Club Monthly Draw. The role involves a minimal task of cash handling and prize distribution by cheque. Alison Bottomley operates the 100+ Club. New 100+ Club members are always welcome! |
Seend Fete ChairThe Seend Fete Chair heads up the Seend Fete Committee drawn from all volunteer members of the Seend Community. The annual Seend Fete is a great day out, always held on the second Saturday of August. The Fete is the main annual fundraiser for the Seend Lye Field Charity.
Liam Bergin is the 2024/25 Seend Fete Chair - he needs your help! |
User and Co-Opted MembersUser and co-opted members pitch in with the management of the facility and the operation of the charity. These members, some of whom are from user organisations, provide user oversight of the charity's activities.