Booking costs
Irene Usher Memorial Pavilion
The current hourly rate for the Irene Usher Memorial Pavilion (max capacity 80 persons) is:
- Seend Parish Residents: £12.50/hr
- Ex-Parish Residents £17.50/hr
- For regular user groups we are able to offer a more competitive rate. We endeavour to keep our utilisation rates as high as possible. Currently, our lowest utilisation periods are on Wednesday afternoons/evenings and weekend evenings.
Lye Recreation Field
The current hire rates for the Lye Recreation Field are:
- Mini-Pitch Training sessions: £15.00 per hour or part hour
- Football game: £40.00 per game
- Cricket match: £40.00 per match square only with changing rooms
- Cricket match cost per whole facility including the Pavilion: £80
- Event vehicle parking: Minimum donation of £60.00
Tennis courts
Two excellent hard tennis courts are available through the Seend Tennis Club, who manage them on behalf of the Seend Lye Recreation Field Management Committee. Seend Tennis Club offers annual membership at very reasonable rates. An annual membership permits members to book courts online through the Lawn Tennis Association system. Seend Tennis Club also has an active FaceBook page.
Booking Form
A booking form, including T & Cs, may be downloaded from the link below. If you experience difficulty with our online bookings calendar call 01380 828970 for available dates/times. To avoid disappointment please book well in advance of your required date and please read the Terms and Conditions of Hire on the reverse of the booking form or here on this web site.
Please make sure you pay 7 days in advance of your booking, or on receipt of your invoice. Payment methods are detailed in your booking confirmation email and on your invoice. Electronic bank transfer is our preferred method of payment. If paying by cheque, please make cheques payable to 'Seend Lye Recreation Field' and help us by putting your booking details on the reverse.
Gift Aid Your Charitable donations
Have you thought about Gift Aid?
The Seend Lye Recreation Field is a charitable trust which relies upon fundraising and donations to meet annual running costs. Your donations are greatly appreciated and will help maintain and preserve our community recreational facilities. If you are a UK Income or Capital Gains taxpayer, the tax paid on the value of your donation can be reclaimed by the Lye Field. Please download and complete one of the forms below. This will enable recovery of 25 pence for every pound of your donation. Thank you!
Discounts for annual payments may be available to user organisations meeting regularly – please ask us.